My Best Friend

My Best Friend

I am excited for this to be my first blog post on my website because today is the 4 year anniversary of when I graduated with Ruth! I don’t think I could have ever imagined how she has changed my life. As I think about the last four years I really find it hard to imagine what life was like before her. I remember walking around UW without Ruth and how hard it was because people weren’t talking to me. Once I got Ruth I could not believe the difference in how people treated me! They would come up and ask me questions about her and then see that I could communicate. They would see that I was as capable as anyone to have a conversation. It was all because of Ruth helping open the door! She truly gave something that I had been looking for during that time. That was a best friend! I know people always say dogs are a mans best friend but Ruth is really my best friend! She is always there for me in my good times and bad. She is also the best listener in the world! I can really tell her anything and she will just listen. No judgement or trying to fix it, she just listens.

It is so amazing to see how far I have come in four years because of Ruth. She has made my presentations much more dynamic than I could have ever thought. The kids absolutely love her! Especially when she shows them how she can do math! Kids think she is the smartest dog in the world, which I have to agree. Also, the cover of my book definitely shows how she has impacted me. I don’t think I could share the cover with a more amazing friend!

For how much Ruth has impacted me in the last four years, I cannot wait to see what the next few years has in store. As I begin to travel more it will be fun to see how she impacts the people I speak to. She is truly a blessing that God has given me. She is the most amazing dog, friend, and companion anyone could ask for!

So hears to the last four years with my best friend and I can’t wait for what is next!!

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